Year: 2022
Medium: acrylic, spray-paint on canvas, mounted on wood panel
Dimensions: 90.9 x 72.7 cm (35 3/4 x 28 5/8)
Acquired from Mitsukoshi Contemporary Art Gallery, 2022
A gradation of yellow, orange, and yellowish-green spray-painting is formed on the huge wavy three-dimensional ridges. The substantial white area creates a sharp detachment to the painting. Various painting techniques are intentionally used to divide the boundaries. The greater the diversity of the area depicted, the greater the intensity of vivid impressions. A certain degree of harmony must have been achieved in creating a painting (the composition of a painting will collapse otherwise). The structure and spatiality would splendidly fall apart. Fragments of a twisted landscape are overlaid. One’s perceptions seem to be distorted, mostly visually. Surprisingly, such easily manipulated-spatial perception even makes the viewers realize human beings’ fragility. This is a powerful work.